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знакомства Романтико

Lady, 37 - 23 декабря 2012 16:33

As I learn and realize some truth fact about love, that it was much more than material comforts and gains.
I learn that love is sharing,Believe me when i say that this is one of the most important in gradients of love-to open ones heart and share-pain, joy, success and failure.
Love is being honest and knowing that the other person feels the same way too and will never be judgmental.

I learn that love means spending time together,few minutes spend together everyday keeps the boredom way. Heavy work schedules take up much and effort,so it is important to get things into perspective.

I realize that love is faithfulness.To love means to give all my heart to one, and only one.

I learn that love is also being friends. Love is being friends with each other. Enjoying simple pleasure like shopping, catching a movie or watching television,apart from that a host of other things that "friends" normally do

I learn that love is looking together in the same direction.
This may sound clinched, but it is true. Love is having the same goals and taking steps in that direction to make them come true

I'm not perfect woman,but I will do my best for someone I love.
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